Sunday, 9 December 2012

What is hatred?

Hatred is a direct assault to love. It is the antonym for love. Hatred is an outcome of envy, jealousy, resentment, grudge and pride. It does not mean that you are angry you hating the person you are mad at, but anger is not like hatred that last. Anger is the way telling somebody that he is wrong or the attitude is not right. You can be angry but soon it will diminish and cools. But hatred does not easily die. It goes deeper and deeper as time goes by because of lacking of forgiveness, childhood factors , insufficient parents guidance, and the worst has not been felt love all over its life. Hatred origins on physical factor and psychological factor. Physical factors are the things that a person may envy or jealous about because of insecurities from others' possession or degree. It is easily built to grudge until such time hatred is the outcome. Psychological factor is a psychologically problem that starts unknown. Every one of us has this. This is the feeling we have to a person, especially when the first meeting is made. We have this feeling of uneasiness to this person, without any reason. This feeling tries to change up, because you do not know him yet, until you come to know him well and suddenly your uneasiness becomes hatred, but you do not know why you are so very unease to him.

Many people hate things in their lives leading to hating others. This is dismal to know because having this feeling towards others could be detrimental. Such as destruction of reputation, family, friendship and even killing people are actions might be done. Their are many groups in the community that have been enemies because of hating each other. Best example is religion. Religion is an entity near to god and must be sacred. But there are moral issues within it. Certain religion hates this  religion or a religion resents to this sect of it, because of moral and sacramental issues that unacceptable to the first or vice versa. In family, that children hate their parents because of their abandonment and vices. Siblings are in war because of child favoritism. In politics that others are being raised, while others are being dropped. And so on so forth.

What is the only answer to hatred?
 They only answer to it is love. As hatred is assault to love. Love should be filled the person with much love so that it can purify him. Love is the only answer. When you know a person who is hating all things in the world, try to show him love. Let him feel the love that he never felt in the past and show him how to love other. Help him out to acquire love. Ask him to attend some counsel, good talks and advice. Teach him to be near to God and that nothing in this world is better than to love and at peace.