Sunday, 23 December 2012

Heaven and Hell

Heaven is a place where eternity, satisfaction, calm, love and peace can be found. It is a place where glory and sacredness of God are enveloped. While hell is a place of struggles, misery, tortures and unending waves of fire are not stifled or died. 
Heaven as we know is a place of God. It is where he promised us to be our permanent home when we joined him in his glory and love. Heaven is also a place where no more miseries and trials cannot be found. A place of peace and incessantly love of all beings within. It is governed by God and only him must be obeyed and served. It is where the righteous people go after having excellent life here on earth. Usually they are the people who followed the light and followed the teachings and commands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Heaven is open for everybody but it has standards for all. Standards that should have been possessed before death or when still living in this world. The main standard set to able to make it into heaven is your faith and your trust to God. How did you serve him. How did follow him and the most important is how did you know him and faith in him. The mercy and forgiveness of God is very shallow that can anyone can wade in. By allowing yourself to follow and strong faith to him for sure you will have everlasting life and joy in heaven.

Hell is a place where villain, wicked and hideous people gone. Those who are bad at all. Who commits crime and against the law of God and against him in the first place. Hell is where the king of darkness was thrown by God, because of his foolishness to supersede God in his throne. Thus, whoever wants power, money and evilness shall be thrown into a sea of fire that cannot be died and lives with the unrighteous one.
It is known to everyone if heaven or hell existed, but the thing here is that there will be always somewhere we will to live on after our life in this world expired.