It is very miraculously to ponder the way we are living in this world. It is so intricate to know the purpose and mission each of us has. If we detail those things that are happening in the world from smallest events to the common and the unperceived scenes in life, that subconsciousness can only define it and awareness cannot deduce it, though the smartest and brilliant mind can not explain.
Life to me is a gift from God. It is the greatest opportunity and privilege we received from him. Life is a magnificent and wonderful thing. Thinking of the stages, manners, the interconnection and the miracles, and morals we obtain from birth up to childhood, from having trivial problem to the biggest, and the time of coping up with it. Life is a journey towards mission and death. We can feel how to live, to love, to be humble or to have pride, to be greed and to be generous. Life contains success and failure, hoping to despair, perseverance and achievements. Life is also a learning, wisdom, enlightenment and knowledge. Life can be foolishness, scoundrel, tedious or immoral. Life brings yesterday, today and tomorrow. It connects the beginning to the end. It is the reason why we want to survive and to have peace or battle or hostility. Life is too arcane to understand because many questions are in the mind that cannot be easily to justify nor to result in no justification but to go on living in mysteries and secrets.
Life is important. We just pass in this world once! Life starts from fertilization when an ovum and a sperm meet each other. Right there and there, a complex formation is built and after reaching ninth month propulsion to this world is made. In the womb struggles existed. Miscarriage, ectopic, birth-still, deformation and other problems occur while the process of build up to human form is done. Abortion is against life! We must not to support it in either way! Aborting such little angels without, knowing what is happening, is cruelty and barbaric. Babies are gift from God. We should not intervene what God has created and planned to born. Remember that we came from that process and given the chance to live freely in this world, thus giving prestige chance to be born those angels in this world is the perfect decision to do. To let them see how beautiful life is, even full of miseries and obstacles. God is the only one to be decide who shall be born and die.