Sunday, 9 December 2012


What is love? Love is the most wonderful thing that man has. It completes him. Love cannot be bought nor asked from somebody, but it goes naturally within. Love is universal. Every mankind possess it, even animals do feel it. Love does not envy nor destroy, but it shows kindness and builds. When love is ordealed unconditional, sacrificial and outstanding love comes out in the end.

Love does not ask for anything in return. It is given unconditionally. Love overcomes all trials and challenges. It does not give up easily. Love conquers all the pain. Genuine love is needed for a person to forgive and forget about the trepasses others did to him. Love easily forgives. It does not contain resentment and hatred. It easily forgets and as if nothing happens. When someone shows his love shallowy, it is not true love but only pretense in order to get his wants. Love goes profoundly! It transcends time and all dimension.

Love is not an obsession or delusion. It never did. But has its own decision and origin. Love covers all the morality and manners. It always with them. Love is the center of all the feelings that humans feel. It is the master of all the feeling. Love endures. It does wait and has patience.

God created man because of love. Love submits to God and God submits to it. God and love is inseparable. Without the each other they are vain. Above all things love is eternal even time comes running out love always be existed!